Tuesday 28 June 2016

Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Horror trailer/film Questionnaire

Create your own user feedback survey

Thursday 23 June 2016

Focus Group Research

Focus groups are a great method to conduct primary research about a certain topic. The survey method involves the respondents from the target market a chance to express their views about the questions asked or the overall chosen topic. The individuals that are involved in the focus group are given the opportunity to freely talk about and discuss their ideas, views and opinions towards the object of the survey.

An advantage of a focus group is that it is effective for positive feedback as respondents can answer and build upon each other’s responses which will improve the richness of data being gathered as all their feedback is in large amounts of detail through a formal conversation. However, focus groups only represent the opinions of small groups, rather than the whole target population as you can’t really have a focus group with thousands of people.

I have decided to conduct my own focus group to ensure I gain a better understanding about my target market’s views and opinions on horror film and trailers. As the facilitator I must make sure I can handle any type of situation that may arise from the focus group interaction. I will do this by making sure they stay on track with what they’re saying and don’t fall into massive tangents about irrelevant topics. Stated below are the 4 questions I will be asking my focus group.

What’s your favourite horror film/trailer?
I have decided to ask this question so I can then expand my research into reviewing the films or trailers they have recommended, making sure I analyse each trailer, picking out certain similarities between all the favourite horrors.

What kind of music would you like accompany a trailer?
This is an important question to ask as I will be using a certain type of audio in my trailer, whether this is a little instrumental tune or popular song I must make sure I get the music right.

Do you like trailers that give away lots of information?
This is another vital question to ask as I need to understand how much information to give away in my trailer as I don’t want to ruin the whole film by sharing the complete narrative in 2 or 3 minutes.

Does age rating affect your choice of film?
I have decided to include this question in my focus group as I am curious about people’s opinions on horrors that are rated a low rating (15) and whether they would go and watch the film or not because of this factor.

Final Trailer