Monday 1 May 2017

Final Trailer


  1. I really like this, it gave me shivers! the music is incredible!

  2. This is an awesome poster, great editing and fonts!

  3. Lizzie Hipgrave- I really like the use of the opening shot, it is genre appropriate and established the set. The ticking of the clock is really effective as it is a common theme within horrors and creates a slow pace initially making the build even more effective. You have used a large extent of shot types for greater effect which is met nicely through your use of editing. It is clear you have gone to in-depth planning regarding mis en scene and sound, they complement each other nicely and is supported through the quick cuts in shots. To improve I think pace could have been developed more right till the end and more title screens to help make the narrative clearer.

  4. Ryan Collier - really good shots at the beginning of the trailer to open to story but not give anything away. The sudden loud music is really good to create the suspense in the trailer. The singing at the end supports this well to make the trailer even more eery to watch. To improve i think the part at 1:15 where the music has stopped it too quite and could still have music playing quietly in the background

  5. The beginning shots of the trailer show a high level of knowledge with camera work getting in slow panning shots. You have a great use of layered sound to give the effect of a real media product as this is very common in horror movie trailers. The overall pace of the trailer works very effectively as it has an eerie feel to it and builds on tension very well. To improve i think you could have picked up the pace towards the end to leave the watcher on the edge of their seat.


Final Trailer