Monday 31 October 2016

Looking at Free Licensed Music

I have discovered a free licensed website called to find suitable music for my trailer. Shown below is an image of the website I used. The orange highlighted track at the bottom is the track I'll be using in my trailer. 

Sunday 30 October 2016

Filming Plan

Location: Inside and Outside house.
Date: Wednesday 2nd November
Time: 4pm-7pm
Lighting: Artificial lighting, natural lights outside

Actor one - Husband
Actor two - Wife
Actor 3 - Old Lady/Dead

Old fashioned clothing – Veil, White old fashioned nightgown, wet hair and dirty, bloodied face
Modern day smart clothing - Shirt, tie, blazer
Nighttime clothes -

Camera (iPhone 6S) with tripod
Storyboard and filming plans
iPhone Microphone

Possible problems
Moving the camera & keeping it steady
Shooting with a moving car
Figuring out lighting positions and styles - Keeping in mind after 4pm it gets dark

Risk assessment
Over heating of the lighting I'm using - Fire risk

Tripping hazard from wires and cables that may be placed around and used whilst filming

Monday 17 October 2016

Messing around with Fonts

I have decided to call my horror trailer 'SHERIDAN'

At this moment in time, I'm still undecided on what font to use in my trailer. Shown above are a group of different fonts that I may use. To help me decide on a font, I will ask a few friends and family and see which font they prefer. I will also need to take into account that the font must meet the horror conventions, suiting my trailer. 

Before shooting my horror trailer, I thought I'd mess around with different types of fonts to see which one suits my trailer the best. It also allows me to ask others what they think of them.

Location Photoshoot

All these images above are a select few that I have picked out from 50 photos that I took at the weekend. This location is my friends house and she is happy for me to shoot my horror trailer here. I believe this is a great place to use as it's an old victorian house which suits the theme and my trailers horror conventions. I believe, all these pictures immediately connote an old and spooky atmosphere by just looking at the old paintings that are on the walls in the living room. 

The bigger the image, the more important the scene is. For example, the middle image of the stairs leading up to the attic is a vital scene for my trailer as this will be where the main action will happen, building suspense and a tense atmosphere. 

Thursday 13 October 2016

Three Theories of Media Narrative

Final Trailer