Sunday 30 October 2016

Filming Plan

Location: Inside and Outside house.
Date: Wednesday 2nd November
Time: 4pm-7pm
Lighting: Artificial lighting, natural lights outside

Actor one - Husband
Actor two - Wife
Actor 3 - Old Lady/Dead

Old fashioned clothing – Veil, White old fashioned nightgown, wet hair and dirty, bloodied face
Modern day smart clothing - Shirt, tie, blazer
Nighttime clothes -

Camera (iPhone 6S) with tripod
Storyboard and filming plans
iPhone Microphone

Possible problems
Moving the camera & keeping it steady
Shooting with a moving car
Figuring out lighting positions and styles - Keeping in mind after 4pm it gets dark

Risk assessment
Over heating of the lighting I'm using - Fire risk

Tripping hazard from wires and cables that may be placed around and used whilst filming

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